Slammed and Point of Retreat

So this is my review from Goodreads:
WOW! This book just blew my mind away. I love this book. One of my all time favorites. This book I can read so many times and learn so much. I love Julia and her advice are just fantastic, something we all can learn from. Lake and Will are just amazing. Will is such a great guy not many would face all responsibilities like he did and took care of his brother. When he said his brother is a BIG DEAL, I swear if it were possible he keeps rising in my eyes. I respect him for what he did. Makes him the amazing guy he is. Lake has her pot of troubles that she needed to overcome and she does with the help of her family and friends. Kel is such a fabulous brother, even for a nine year old he is so perceptive that it just boggles my mind. The poetry is so amazing. Eddie is a great friend. I love her character and how she tells it the way she sees it.
All in all this book is so amazing. That I have no words to describe just how stupendous it is.
My Verdict? 5+ Stars. (If it were possible I would give it more stars that's how much I love it, Colleen Hoover is an amazing author!)
Point of Retreat
Colleen Hoover DID it again, ensnared me into the book that I couldn't stop til i finished, I literally left everything down and finished it until I couldn't stop chanting OHMYGOODNESSOHMYGODNESS over and over again. (It annoyed my sister so much hehe) I had this hugest smile on my face when I finished the book. I just couldn't get enough of it so went back to my favorite parts to and read it over again. I was a delight to read from Will's point of view, to know how he feels, since we know how Lake does. I love them both so much, I can't believe that its the end of our journey with them. After I wrote a review for Slammed I was like what will I say that I haven't before to I took a break and decided that I will come back and write something without repeating myself.
I love Will so much he is just AMAZING, he certainly is the one of a kind guys that are hard to find. I love Lake as well, she is an amazing young women who has a lot in her to do in her life and has a lot of potential. Lake and Will are just perfect for each other. Kel and Caulder are lucky to have them as both parent figures and as siblings. I loved the whole vase idea with stars filled it advice, I so much wanted something like that they are always times when I have absolutely no idea what to do, or just want some advice and having such insightful advice from Lake's mother is just amazing. It's like her mother is still there she is immortal by her advice and love that she put into it.
I actually have no words to say how amazing it is, if I take a look in the thesaurus to find words that can express how FAB this book is and list them all done it really can't make up to the standard.
My verdict? A gazillion stars in the galaxy
You rock Colleen Hoover can't wait for your upcoming releases.
So for my Blog :)
Let me just say first how much I love these books. They were so amazing. I felt bad when I saw Slammed and added to my read list and saw how amazing it was and got SIDETRACKED by other books because I wished I read it than. What happened was my friend started reading it and she was like TRISHA, you BETTER stop what you reading now and read SLAMMED because its PHENOMENAL. She was so right. So that's what I did (I actually had assignments to do that were pending but once I started I couldn't stop.) Let me just say that Slammed ruined all books for me because for one I have higher standards of books and second I start rating harder. With high expectations its hard to find books that STUPENDOUS.
So I keep re-reading it until Colleen Hoover will release another of her amazing releases. I just can't wait for Will's POV Slammed.
What I really loved about Slammed was one the poetry is amazing. Julia's advice to Lake were amazing. A couple I loved where:
There are three questions every woman should be able to answer yes to before they commit to a man:
1. Does he treat you with respect at all times?
2. If he is the exact same person twenty years from now that he is today, would you still want to marry him?
3. Does he inspire you to want to be a better person?
Question everything. Great advice actually because questioning everything will help you NOT regret anything.
When I saw this I was like WOW, it's only three questions but it so meaningful I say, every girl needs to use this advice and maybe this way you will find your Will. Maybe it will help from having such failing relationships.
And if you said no to any of them, than just like Julia said RUN LIKE HELL!
The poetry don't get me started on that. I kept re-reading the poems because they were FANTASTIC.
The poems had their own messages in them that pulled me in and taught me a few things. Things that I had forgotten like bad things happen but life moves on. Loved ones dies because death is inevitable but those who are left need to live. If you have a warning of someone dying than don't spend the time complaining and crying but create more memories and when they leave cherish them.
Than they are stories in the poem that touched my heart and soul. My eyes teared up at the Blue sweater poem and Eddie's poem of Pink Balloon.
Well, you would realize…
Like I eventually realized…
That all the good things about her?
All the beautiful?
It's not real.
It's fake.
So you keep your ocean,
I'll take the Lake.
This poem I love. The Lake poem.
I myself am a poet. I love poetry and have written a lot myself. When I read Colleen's I fell in love with them because they are beautiful.
In my goodreads reviews I have said that these books deserve more than 5 Stars and they do. I would give billion gazillion stars in the sky if I could. Like whenever I see my friends and we start talking about books I keep telling them to read Slammed and they are like they will in the summer. I always implore them to read it as soon as possible because its amazing and they are missing out on something spectacular.
I can go on and on about Slammed Series but probably wouldn't be enough. So guys who haven't read it you better start cracking or else you will miss out on Will's and Lake's story.